Future Leaders is a program focused on providing youth aged 15-29 access to practical work and volunteer experience, as well as the opportunity to develop skills that are transferrable to their role as a volunteer mentor and to securing future employment. This program is funded by United Way British Columbia. 

The goals of the Future Leaders Program are:

1. To help youth gain volunteer experience by serving as a mentor in our after school group mentoring programs or one-on-one in school mentoring programs. This experience will help youth build a resume to gain future employment.

2. Help youth grow their network through opportunities such as career mentorship from BBBSL board members, participating in UW Communities of Practice, and attending additional workshops focused on positive networking.  These opportunities will allow youth to explore and better understand their post-secondary options, employment readiness and will focus on exploring a variety of careers and post-secondary programs by intentionally connecting them to different professionals working within these fields.

3. Help youth gain 21st century skills by providing workshops focused on conflict resolution, employment readiness, career exploration, and financial literacy. These focus areas of these workshops will be selected by our future leader participants and will be offered during the school year.

To learn more about Future Leaders and United Way British Columbia, please visit their website here.


The Teen In-School Mentoring program provides elementary school children with a teen role model and a friend to talk to. Participants in the program share their experiences of growing up as they engage in activities, work on crafts, play on the playground – all within school grounds! For one hour a week, mentors meet with their mentee for a one-on-one mentoring session for the duration of the school year (sessions do not occur over Summer break or other school holidays).

Teen applicants must be a student at ACSS, DW Poppy, WGSS, RE Mountain, Langley Fine Arts, LCSS, or Brookswood.

Go Girls!

Go Girls! is a group mentoring program for girls ages 8 – 14 (age requirement may vary depending on location of program) that focusses on physical activity, balanced eating and self-esteem. The single, most important goal of the program is to positively shape the lives of young women and girls by helping them build a positive self-image – setting them on a path to reach their full potential in life.

Go Girls sessions are held after school for 2 hours, and are once a week for 8 weeks.


Children who participate in Explorations choose from a list of different topics/activities to explore. Mentors from the Langley community provide a safe and fun atmosphere to assist children in building their skills in their chosen Explorations topic through interactive learning and demonstrations.

Participants will have the opportunity to spend one of the two hours in their chosen Exploration group, enhancing their skills and learning about their chosen topic in a supportive environment, while the remaining hour will be spent in a large group, working on positive group dynamics, making new friendships, and enjoying a snack break!


Game On! is a group mentoring program that provides boys ages 8 – 14 (age requirement may vary depending on location of program) with information and support to make informed choices about a range of healthy lifestyle practices. Through non-traditional physical activities complemented with healthy eating support, participants are engaged in life skills, communication, and emotional health discussions designed to engage participants in the pursuit of life-long healthy lifestyles.

Game On sessions are held after school for 2 hours, and are once a week for 8 weeks.