Many young people struggle with societal barriers and face adversities such as mental health issues, family violence, identity issues or poor living conditions. Your donation will lead to healthy, thriving youth who can achieve more.
Partner with Big Brothers Big Sisters and build your brand through cause-related marketing campaigns, program sponsorship, or growth development grants.
Organize your social groups, have fun, and support a great cause. Do what you enjoy most while knowing you are making a difference for youth who are struggling to achieve more.

Our ability to innovate and collaborate, and our history of demonstrated success with some of the most recognized brands and organizations at the local and national level, makes us an ideal charitable partner for companies interested in pursuing cause-related marketing campaigns, or exploring community investment and/or sponsorship.

Monthly Donations
By choosing to donate monthly, you are making a small commitment that creates a BIG impact. Help our agency plan for the future by joining our monthly donor club. Your ongoing commitment to mentoring will impact the children we serve today and tomorrow.

In-Kind Donations
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley accepts in-kind contributions from organizations and individuals throughout Langley. If you are considering an in-kind donation, please e-mail us.
Examples of in-kind donations can include:
- Event tickets (i.e. Giants or Canucks games, local theatre, PNE, etc.)
- Gift certificates
- Items suitable for our In-School or Group program bins

Golf For Kids Sake Charity Tournament
As an individual or organization, there are numerous sponsorship options for our annual Golf For Kids Sake fundraiser available to you.
Sponsor recognition varies, but can include your logo and/or name on our banquet presentation screens and registration billboard, golfer entries, and the opportunity to provide branded items in our golfer gift packages.
Click to learn more about our Golf For Kids Sake Tournament.

Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley hosts a variety of annual events throughout the year. We invite the community to join us as a guest, sponsor or prize donor and celebrate the mentoring programs that are made possible by the generosity of our community.
There are also opportunities to host your own event in support of Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley.

Tribute & Memorial Gifts
At the next special occasion, honour a friend, mentor, or family member with a gift in their honour. If a loved one has recently passed, you can also make a gift to Big Brothers Big Sisters in their memory.
Loved ones or their family will receive a personalized note of the donation made in their honour and a tax receipt will be sent to you. Make a gift in honour of someone special online or contact us.