Our Big Brothers Big Sisters of Langley team is very excited to be offering 4 weeks of in person summer camps this year! Thank you to Canadian Tire Jumpstart and Envision Financial for making these camps possible! Because of their support we are able to offer a low cost, fun, safe & positive place for children & youth in Langley to spend some time this summer! During these camps your child will get to play, learn, explore and grow while making new friends and spending time connecting with our BBBSL Summer Staff.
These camps have a registration fee of $50 and are for students living in the Langley and Aldergrove area. Each camp will run Monday -Friday from 9am-3pm. A snack will be provided daily, but you will need to provide a nut free lunch for your child.
Please complete the application form below. Once received, Britnee will confirm your child’s registration and send an email requesting payment to complete the registration. Your spot is not secured until the $50 registration fee is received. Your child’s spot will be held for one week after this email is sent. If payment is not received with in one week, your child’s spot may no longer be available. Application and registration fee payment are both required to complete the registration process.
The application includes space for you to share a bit about your child, notify us of any allergies or health concerns, an informed consent form and media consent. There will also be a walking field trip box to be checked in the package. These will include short walks to locations around the school. You will be notified about any of these walking field trips prior to them happening. Certain weeks may require an additional waiver form for certain activities. If this is the case, you will be notified.
If you have any questions about summer camps, please contact Britnee at: britnee.brow@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca
Please see below for all the weeks of camps, their themes & ages.
WEEK FULL – No longer accepting applications
Week #1: July 8th -21st
Theme: Sports of All Sorts Langley
Location: Noel Booth Elementary School, Langley
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
For students born in: 2012-2014
If your child is interested in different types of sports or games and likes to try new things to stay active, this is the camp for them! During this week they will have the chance to play classic games such as: soccer, basketball, gaga ball & more, as well as getting to try out some Frisbee Golf, Dance, Kubb and more!
WEEK FULL – No longer accepting applications
Week #2: July 15th -19th
Theme: Creative Arts
Location: Gordon Greenwood Elementary School, Langley
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
For students born in: 2013-2015
Arts & Crafts
If your child is interested in crafting, painting, creating & arts, this week is for them! Campers will have a chance to make some crafts perfect for summer, such as: wind chimes, stained glass creations and rainbows! Your child will have a week filled with learning how to paint and draw, some drama games and more!
WEEK FULL – No longer accepting applications
Week #3: July 22nd – 26th
Theme: STEM Discovery & Exploration
Location: R.C. Garnett Demonstration Elementary School, Langley
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
For students born in: 2013-2015
During this week your child will have the chance to not only discuss but create & have hands on experiences exploring Science! Campers will have a chance to explore the different areas of STEM by: problem solving, predicting, observing through experiments, building & exploration and have fun while doing it!
Week #4: July 29th – August 2nd
Theme: Sports of All Sorts, Aldergrove
Location: Shortreed Elementary School, Aldergrove
Time: 9:00am – 3:00pm
For students born in: 2013-2015
If your child is interested in different types of sports or games and likes to try new things to stay active, this is the camp for them! During this week they will have the chance to play classic games such as; soccer, basketball, gaga ball & more, as well as getting to try out some Frisbee Golf, Dance, Kubb and more!
2024 summer camp application
Please complete the application form below. Once received, Britnee will confirm your child’s registration and send an email requesting payment to complete the registration. Your spot is not secured until the $50 registration fee is received; your child’s spot will be held for one week after this email is sent. If payment is not received with in one week, your child’s spot may no longer be available if there is a waitlist. Application and registration fee payment is both required to complete the registration process.
The application includes space for you to share a bit about your child, notify us of any allergies or health concerns, an informed consent, and media consent. There will also be a walking field trip box to be signed in the package. These will include short walks to locations around the school. You will be notified about any of these walking field trips prior to them happening. Certain weeks may require an additional waiver form for certain activities. If this is the case, you will be notified.
Please note:
Due to limited space, we will only be registering students in one week of camp this summer. We will do our best to accommodate your child’s first choice but have asked you to select a second option in case that one you have selected is full. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive a follow up email from our agency noting which camp your child has been accepted or waitlisted for.